Article from the October 16, 1964 Collegian: "Homecoming '64...A Time to Remember"


Article from the October 16, 1964 Collegian: "Homecoming '64...A Time to Remember"


Central Methodist University (Fayette, Mo.)


Newspaper article from October 16, 1964 Central Collegian, page 1: "Homecoming '64...A Time to Remember" by Barb Suchland. 2 columns of text.


Suchland, Barb.




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Homecoming '64...

A Time to Remember

by Barb Suchland, Staff Writer

Classes dismissed, wild frenzy, cheering crowds, blazing bonfire, grand parade, captivating queen, breathtaking floats, gruesome pile-ups, anxious coaches, you gotta F-I-G-H-T, reminiscing alumni, friends from home, formal dance-- all these are part of the time-honored tradition of Homecoming.

The very air we breath tingles with enthusiasm and a sense of expectancy lurks around every corner. The heart of CMC is alive and throbbing as students honor old and begin new traditions.

This year, CMC will repeat its performance of 1946 as it plays host to the Culver-Stockton Wildcats.

Things have changed little since 1946, for one thing prices have come up. Back in those "gold old days" it cost $1.50 to enter a float and 75 cents if you wanted to take your girl to the dance.

Traditions were honored a little differently then. Homecoming was a three day celebration. Oct. 24, 1946 coronation ceremonies were held at 8 p.m. and were followed by a "shirt-tail parade" to the hockey field for a pep rally and bon fire.

Friday classes were dismissed for the parade at 10 a.m. That year a week old sorority, Delta Pi Omega, won the float prize for beauty. Beta Sigma captured the humor award and Alpha Phi Gamma took first in originality.

At 3:30 p.m. a mass meeting for alumni was held in Classic auditorium. The big game was that evening and our Eagles pounced on the Wildcats for a 23-13 victory.

Saturday the students of 1946 jitterbugged and waltzed to the music of "The Missourians" at the formal Homecoming dance.

Eighteen years later we are still following the same traditions and eighteen years from now the students of 1982 will be designing floats, buying mums and voting on Homecoming royalty.

This year we will not only be celebrating the old established traditions but may be giving birth to a new one. For the first time high school and junior high bands will join the CMC band in a spectacular parade. Trophies will be presented to those bands giving the best performances.

Meanwhile clubs and organizations are putting last minute touches on their floats, and girls are making last minute decisions on what to wear after finally getting that certain someone to ask them to the dance.

Mums have been ordered, royalty elected and the freshman girls have been chosen to hang the "Welcome Alumni" sign from Holt Hall.

The Eagles are putting in grueling hours of practice and leaders are perfecting cheers.

CMC campus is alive with school-spirited students pulling together to make this, Homecoming 1964, a time to remember.

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